Ways to Improve business marketing – Running a business is hard, trying to market your business to get more leads is even harder. Are you someone who wants to push the brand of your company out to the world?
There are many methods that modern business take advantage of whether it is B2C or B2B business and this is something that we should take a look at when we want to build our business. Koh Management will be sharing the top 5 ways to improve your business marketing for better business growth and outreach for more income.
Ways to improve business marketing 1: Business Social Media and Personal Social Media (Social Network)
Having a social media presence is a must for any business person nowadays, your business should be on social media, so should you. Gone are the days where you can make big bucks just hiding behind the desk and working hard at your product or services. You need to marketing and let people know you and your business and why you are the person to choose over someone else who might be working on the same business as you. You should always try to portray yourself as professional but at the same time someone approachable and fun to be with and work with. Relationships are what keeps businesses together and business people together, so use your social media to spread the good message of yourself and your brand. Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat are the popular platforms nowadays.
Your social network can also help you to brand and stand out by having people around you know more about your service and your capabilities. This leads us on to the next method, word of mouth.
Ways to improve business marketing 2: Word of Mouth
The bset people to push out your brand are two groups of people. Your friends and your customers. When they know what you are doing, they can make a personal contact for you and help you push your services, your product and also talk about how great a person you are. Everyone likes to know who is behind the company that they are paying for a service or a product. When you get endorsement from another person, the business is almost closed and sealed and this is what we need to focus our time and efforts on.
Brand yourself well as a person so that your friends will always put in good words for you. Be professional when talking to friends about what you do. Help them to make it easy to push your product by telling them your website or giving contact numbers. Customers will also be able to spread the good word for you if they are reminded when someone else is looking for a relevant service or product.
For example, SEO Services, if you know of someone who is in the industry and want to recommend, it would be best to give the number and also a website for them to explore and take a look at their portfolio companies that they are working on and have results on.
Ways to improve business marketing 3: Making it cool for your customer to be associated to you
Are you a cool person? Are you a cool brand? People like to be cool and to hang around cool people. When you brand yourself to be the IN thing of the nation or industry, people will flock to you to want to work with you because you are able to bring them the kind of attention that they would like and enjoy.
Have a strong social media presence and also have photos or endorsement from people who are known in the country. It strongly builds your brand and in association more people will work with you.
Marketing is always an headache, if you need help with Marketing, call our Business Development Manager at 98638665