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Why is setting up a company in Vietnam a good choice in 2024?

Why Setting Up a Company in Vietnam is a Good Choice in 2024

Vietnam has become a prominent destination for business investments over the past few years. Its rapid economic growth, favorable government policies, strategic location, and vibrant market potential make it an attractive option for entrepreneurs and businesses looking to expand their operations. In 2024, the trend continues, with even more compelling reasons to set up a company in Vietnam. This article delves into the various factors that make Vietnam an excellent choice for establishing a business in 2024.

1. Economic Stability and Growth

Vietnam's economy has been on a robust growth trajectory, with a GDP growth rate averaging around 6-7% annually over the past decade. This sustained economic growth is a testament to the country's resilience and the effectiveness of its economic policies. In 2024, Vietnam's economy is expected to continue this upward trend, driven by strong domestic consumption, export-oriented manufacturing, and a burgeoning middle class.

2. Favorable Government Policies

The Vietnamese government has implemented numerous reforms to create a conducive environment for business. These include:

  • Tax Incentives: The government offers attractive tax incentives for foreign investors, including corporate income tax reductions, tax holidays, and exemptions for certain industries and regions.

  • Ease of Doing Business: Vietnam has significantly improved its ranking in the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business index, reflecting the government's efforts to streamline administrative procedures, reduce bureaucracy, and enhance transparency.

  • Foreign Ownership: Vietnam allows 100% foreign ownership in many sectors, making it easier for foreign companies to establish and control their businesses.

3. Strategic Location and Integration

Vietnam's strategic location in Southeast Asia provides businesses with easy access to major markets, including China, Japan, South Korea, and the ASEAN region. The country is also well-connected through its extensive network of ports, airports, and road infrastructure.

Moreover, Vietnam is a member of several free trade agreements (FTAs), including the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA). These agreements provide preferential access to key markets and enhance Vietnam's attractiveness as a manufacturing and export hub.

4. Young and Dynamic Workforce

One of Vietnam's most significant assets is its young and dynamic workforce. Approximately 70% of the population is under the age of 35, providing a large pool of energetic and motivated workers. Additionally, the government has invested heavily in education and vocational training, ensuring that the workforce is well-equipped with the necessary skills to meet the demands of various industries.

5. Competitive Labor Costs

Vietnam offers a cost-competitive labor market compared to other countries in the region. The relatively low labor costs, coupled with a high level of productivity, make Vietnam an attractive destination for manufacturing and other labor-intensive industries. This cost advantage allows businesses to maintain competitive pricing while ensuring profitability.

6. Thriving Consumer Market

Vietnam's rapidly growing middle class and increasing urbanization have resulted in a thriving consumer market. The rising disposable incomes and changing consumer preferences create ample opportunities for businesses in various sectors, including retail, e-commerce, healthcare, and entertainment. The digital economy is also expanding, with a high internet penetration rate and increasing smartphone usage driving the growth of online businesses.

7. Infrastructure Development

The Vietnamese government has prioritized infrastructure development to support economic growth and attract foreign investment. Significant investments have been made in upgrading transportation networks, industrial zones, and energy facilities. Projects such as the North-South Expressway, new international airports, and deep-water ports are expected to enhance connectivity and facilitate trade.

8. Political Stability

Vietnam is known for its political stability, which provides a secure and predictable environment for businesses. The government has maintained a stable political climate, fostering investor confidence and long-term planning. This stability, combined with a pro-business orientation, makes Vietnam an attractive destination for foreign investment.

9. Opportunities in Various Sectors

Vietnam offers abundant opportunities across various sectors. Some of the most promising industries for investment in 2024 include:

  • Manufacturing: Vietnam has established itself as a global manufacturing hub, particularly for electronics, textiles, and footwear. The country's manufacturing sector continues to attract significant foreign investment due to its competitive costs and skilled workforce.

  • Technology: The technology sector is booming in Vietnam, driven by a young and tech-savvy population. Opportunities abound in software development, IT services, fintech, and e-commerce.

  • Renewable Energy: Vietnam is actively promoting renewable energy to meet its growing energy demands and reduce environmental impact. Investments in solar, wind, and hydropower projects are on the rise.

  • Tourism: Vietnam's rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and vibrant cities make it a popular tourist destination. The government is focusing on sustainable tourism development, creating opportunities for businesses in hospitality, travel, and related services.

10. Supportive Business Community

Vietnam has a supportive business community and numerous organizations that assist foreign investors. Chambers of commerce, business associations, and industry groups provide valuable resources, networking opportunities, and advocacy for businesses. Additionally, many international firms and expatriates have established themselves in Vietnam, creating a diverse and vibrant business environment.


In conclusion, setting up a company in Vietnam in 2024 presents numerous advantages, including robust economic growth, favorable government policies, strategic location, and a young and dynamic workforce. The country's competitive labor costs, thriving consumer market, and extensive infrastructure development further enhance its appeal. With opportunities across various sectors and a supportive business community, Vietnam stands out as an attractive destination for entrepreneurs and businesses looking to expand their operations in Southeast Asia. As Vietnam continues to evolve and integrate into the global economy, the potential for success and growth remains substantial, making it a smart choice for business investment in 2024.

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